Editorial policy

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Editorial policy
Politique éditoriale

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« Editorial policy », Aleph [En ligne], mis en ligne le 01 novembre 2014, consulté le 02 mai 2024. URL : https://aleph.edinum.org/88

Editorial policy

Based on full and immediate open access to articles published under the CC-by-NC ND, the journal Aleph. Languages, Media & Societies is a peer-reviewed journal that operates on the basis of a double-blind reviewing process for all submissions received. It observes all appropriate measures, respecting the DOAJ criteria and COPE.

It hosts original work in various fields of research in:

  • language sciences, in particular: the analysis of language uses and practices

  • textual sciences: in particular, the analysis of signifying practices in literature

  • information sciences, in particular: analysis of the media, the circulation of scientific and technical information, analysis of technical devices in accessing information and processing knowledge, the metamorphoses of the document and the analysis of information uses and practices.

Theoretical and epistemological issues are given due consideration, as well as work based on empirical analysis.

In addition to research articles, the journal also reports on the experiences and research work of professionals in the publishing, information and communication fields.

In order to reflect a lively and current research, it is open to the studies of young researchers and doctoral students as well as to thematic programmes involving specialists from different geographical origins and disciplinary fields.

The Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee decide on the editorial programme and ensure that the editorial charter is respected. The Editorial Committee is responsible for the administrative follow-up of the journal and the technical production of each issue. The Scientific Committee is responsible for ensuring the scientific quality of each issue of the journal.

The president of the scientific committee, supported by the editorial committee, coordinates the scientific evaluation of contributions (transmission of texts to evaluators, collection of evaluations). In general, he/she ensures coordination with the members of the permanent reading committee, and its follow-up.

The journal Aleph. Langues, Médias & sociétés is a peer-reviewed journal that operates on Theoretical and epistemological questions are given their due place, as well as works based on empirical analyses.

In addition to research articles, the journal also reports on experiences and research work carried out by professionals in the publishing, information and communication fields.

In order to reflect a lively and current research, it is open to the studies of young researchers and doctoral students as well as to thematic programmes involving specialists from different geographical origins and disciplinary fields.

The Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee decide on the editorial programme and ensure that the editorial charter is respected. The Editorial Committee is responsible for the administrative follow-up of the journal and the technical production of each issue. The Scientific Committee is responsible for ensuring the scientific quality of each issue of the journal.

The chairman of the scientific committee, supported by the editorial committee, coordinates the scientific evaluation of contributions (transmission of texts to evaluators, collection of evaluations). In general, he/she ensures coordination with the members of the permanent reading committee, and its follow-up.

Authors can respond to one of the thematic calls for papers, which are published on the journal's website https://aleph.edinum.org, on http://fabula.org on the research notebook http://edalger2.hypotheses.org and in the researchers' networks. They can also send their article spontaneously for the Varias section and propose works for review. Articles in this section are also anonymously reviewed by at least two reviewers. However, all articles must be submitted to the ASJP (Algerian Scientific Journal Platform) at the following address: https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/PresentationRevue/226


To ensure the visibility and durability of articles online, the journal Aleph systematically deposits the articles published in PDF format in the dedicated space on the Algerian Scientific Journal Platform (ASJP).

Each issue is published simultaneously on the journal's website and on the ASJP platform where it is possible to consult the journal's archives as well as all the articles to be published.

Authors are invited to use all means to publicise the publication of their text, including their deposit in HAL. Where the journal has an open account.


The articles are the property of their respective authors. They are released under the Creative Commons license, a reciprocal author agreement must be duly completed by the authors and the editorial board. It will be sent by email to the author after the final acceptance of the article.

  • After its publication in Aleph, the author may re-publish the article in another periodical or collective, provided that the mention of the original publication in Aleph is clearly indicated.

  • Authors are not paid. They subscribe to the editorial charter of the journal Aleph and accept the distribution of their article in order to promote scientific exchanges within the academic community.

  • Authors will not be asked to pay any publication fees: there should be no financial barrier to publication in the journal Aleph. Languages, media and societies. The The journal is solely responsible for the processing of the article from receipt to publication. However, the journal does not take care of the editing, which is the responsibility of the author.

  • Authors are never paid for their articles. The benefits of this publication are symbolic (dissemination of their ideas) and professional (promotion in rank).

Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without prior permission from the publisher or the author, provided they use the same licence. They undertake to respect the following obligations:

  1. to cite the name of the original author in the manner indicated by the author of the work or the holder of the rights that grant this authorisation;

  2. not to use this creation for commercial purposes;

  3. not to modify, transform or adapt the contents.


Authors declare that their articles are original, that they do not contain any elements that may fall under the laws of copyright, defamation, public decency, privacy or counterfeit. Authors guarantee that their articles are unpublished and of their own composition and that, if they use the work and words of other authors, these are appropriately referenced or cited, and in accordance with the APA or MLA presentation standard.

Plagiarism is :

"[...] to appropriate someone else's words or ideas and present them as one's own." (Petit Robert 1, 2005). This theft is therefore liable to sanctions that could jeopardise the proper conduct of university studies.
Copying verbatim a passage from a book, journal or web page without putting it in inverted commas and/or without mentioning the source.
Inserting images, graphs, data, etc. from external sources in a work without indicating the source.
Summarising an author's original idea in their own words, but failing to acknowledge the source.
Translating a text in part or in full without indicating its source.
Reusing work produced in another course without prior approval from the teacher.
Using someone else's work and presenting it as your own (even if that person has given permission).
Buying work from the web". (From https://www.bibliotheques.uqam.ca/plagiat)

If the editorial board suspects any form of plagiarism, it reserves the right to run the article through plagiarism detection software, to refuse publication, to withdraw the article if it is already published, and to take whatever legal action it deems appropriate.

Contact address

For further information or a request for guidance or explanation, please write to: revue revue.aleph@gmail.com (See emails under the contact tab)

Mail is collected twice a week: on Monday and Thursday.

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